Ahhh... so maybe you thought this life was glamorous, and ok, let's be honest, "all doll dealers must be rich!" Maybe you thought that dolls just come easier and much, much less expensive to dealers. Perhaps this can become partially true over a long period of "time in the trenches", in reality it's all just another part of the "Doll Dealer" myth!
Let me share the truth! Being a doll dealer is hard work! Back breaking work actually. We search and search; we pack and haul sometimes HUGE loads, we clean and mend and contort ourselves into unbelievable positions to get "just the right shot". We set up our precious wares in fabulous locations or poorly ventilated or cold rooms, standing for countless hours, possibly on concrete floors and risking the very priceless items we have brought to market. We travel miles by land, sea or air to find, present , learn and educate, all the while hauling hundreds of pounds of precious cargo behind us, that occasionally gets lost in transit or worse yet , damaged. We research, read and ask questions and burn the midnight oil, then get up and do it all over again the next day. Being a doll dealer is by far and away the hardest, most challenging job I have ever had!
And, the "rich myth"...
I have had some sleepless nights over the course of this journey! I have wondered where, when and how it would all come together. I've wrestled with gut wrenching choices, and reluctantly and sometimes painfully, left a really great opportunity behind because the timing wasn't right.
No matter the challenges; the blood, sweat & tears, I live for this role. The joys far outweigh the bumps and bruises. Trust me; this is hard work! The most glamorous part about it is getting dressed up and opening my booth! That's what I live for... to match a lonely doll with the perfect guardian.
I AM Rich!
Rich in experiences and the amazing knowledge this field of learning continues to impart! I am rich in a supportive and loving family and an amazing network of friends; the dear ones here and the dear ones that have passed on.
And, I will work as hard and long as it takes to learn, share and support this amazing hobby that teaches us about those who came before us; about the passions and history that created these time capsules. Thank you for your passion and your faith in me! I will always work hard for you, even if I don't always wear my lipstick! Because the Life of this Doll Dealer is to live for YOU! Your Joy, Your Passion and Your Hobby!
See you in the "Doll Trenches"!
Hi, Valerie. I was looking at the Antique Doll magazines virtual doll show and I saw that you had lived in France and your dad was on the Springfield. So was mine! I started school at the Anglo-American school on blvd. Maeterlinck in Nice in January 1961 and was in the fourth grade. How about you? We were only able to stay 9 months, but I fell in love with France and have been back many times. We lived in Villefranche and the town is pretty much unchanged. Could we have been in the same class? I don't remember a Valerie. My best friend was Dieta Diamontides. I'd love to hear back from you. My email is nreynolds@coronado.ca.us.
Love this... ♥️